UNI9910 defines maintenance as “a combination of all the technical and administrative activities, including that of supervision, performed in order to maintain or restore an entity to a state in which it can carry out the function required of it.”
This concept goes beyond the carrying out of maintenance activities and requires that we define a special service that must be linked and fused with other activities like:
- conducting a census and registration of goods;
- periodic monitoring of the condition of a property;
- designing and planning maintenance interventions;
- updating the infrastructure in line with changes in required standards.
GTE SA offers a type of contract whose approach is based on the philosophy of partnership with the Clients outsourcing services and facility management to us:
- placing at their services our rich experience in solving technical, organizational and managerial problems;
- customizing the range of services on the basis of the Client’s needs;
- prioritizing the long-term continuity of the relationship;
- constantly monitoring the results of the services dispensed so as to guarantee a high level of service quality;
- optimizing the input of resources while containing costs.